"Forgotten No More" Available for Purchase

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This publication is primarily a coffee table book, highlighting sixty (60) of the best displays from the Hartwell Collection. The book also includes a Native Peoples Timeline, a short history of the Susquehannock people, information about the Hartwell family and their artifact collection sites, and even an “I Spy” challenge.

The Hartwell Collection (as it is known locally) includes thousands of stone artifacts that were collected by the Hartwell family in and around Hummelstown, Harrisburg and along the Susquehanna River and Swatara Creek at the turn of the last century.  The vast majority of these objects were made and used by the Susquehannock (the indigenous tribe occupying the area for thousands of years) and their forebearers.  Most of the best pieces (some dating back to 10,000 BC) were beautifully arranged by Hartwell family members in over 100 display trays and framed pieces now part of the Hummelstown Area Historical Society museum.  

To provide a visual record of the artifacts and descriptions of what they had been used for, Bryce acquired the photographic equipment necessary to document, with high-resolution images, all of the Collection trays as well as samples of every artifact type that the Collection has to offer.  He also did considerable research to identify the different types of artifacts and to make sure that artifact descriptions were valid.  The Collection is large and the Hummelstown Area Historical Society has the space to display only a small portion. To allow more people to enjoy the beauty of these artifacts and to learn about the Native Peoples who made and used them, Bryce decided to publish this book.  

Bryce has dedicated the book to the first peoples of the Susquehanna Valley, what they left behind, and the family that took the time to help us remember the beginning chapters of this area’s history.  Proceeds from the sale of this book help support the Hummelstown Area Historical Society.  

Local pick up at 286 E Main Street Hummelstown or ship to your address.


About the Author:
Hummelstown native and Lower Dauphin graduate, Bryce Foster, spent the better part of a year (from Oct. 2020 – Sept. 2021) working with the Hummelstown Area Historical Society’s “Hartwell Collection”.  He had known since childhood that the Historical Society had a collection of Native American artifacts, but he had no idea of the scope of the collection until he started his extensive research.  

“Forgotten No More” Available for Purchase

4 thoughts on ““Forgotten No More” Available for Purchase

  • February 23, 2022 at 12:40 pm

    Dear Bryce Foster, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hard work and dedication you put into capturing my family’s legacy that I greatly feared would be forgotten. My Great Grandfather Philander Ward Hartwell was very passionate about hunting these relics. His children and grandchildren all participated in the tradition of searching and building the collection. My Great Uncle Richard Hartwell ( one of PW’s son’s) dedicated most of his life to hunting, researching, cleaning/sorting and lovingly displaying the artifacts in glass display cases or shadow box frames as much as space and finances allowed. He had countless boxes of relic’s he had nowhere to display but still spent time handling them even if just to dust them off. Many year’s ago students attending Price Elementary school would take field trips that consisted of a short little walk to the basement of his house where they could view and learn about the relic’s and the people that made and used them. He always looked forward to these visits. Although him and my Great Aunt Magretta we’re unable to have children of their own they loved them all. I had the privilege of living next door for a few years in my grandfather’s house and was spoiled rotten with treat’s. They were the kindest hearted couple and always so cheerful. I look forward to reading your book and purchasing many for Christmas gifts this year! Best wishes on all of your future endeavors. Sincerely, Ida Hartwell

    • December 24, 2023 at 1:26 pm

      Hi Ida. My name is Pam Rainey. I’m one of Phil’s kids and he was Rich’s nephew. We were there often but I never met you. Love to get to know you.

  • January 21, 2023 at 8:58 pm

    Phil Hartwell Rainey was my grandfather, and Richard Hartwell was my great uncle. Before granddaddy (Phil), he gave my son a handful, and I have one that was set into a pin. Love that this book was done.

  • February 23, 2024 at 5:33 pm

    Thank you for all your work in publishing this book.
    So grateful.


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