Become a Member!
The Historical Society’s biggest asset is the members. The contributions from our members allow the Society to further its mission in preserving the unique past of Hummelstown and education the community.
Your membership includes a subscription to our quarterly newsletter as well as exclusive discounts on trips.
A membership year is from January - December
Join Online!
You may join or renew your membership online through PayPal! (note: you do NOT need to have a PayPal account to use this service. You can pay directly via a checking account or a major credit card)
Renew Automatically!
You no longer need to remember to renew your membership! You can now schedule your membership to automatically renew each year by choosing the option below.
Note: If you only wish to join for a single year, please use the option above.
Print and Mail Membership
You may join or renew your membership by completing a membership form and mailing your payment to 32 W. Main Street, Hummelstown, PA 17036